Diets, Diets, Diets

I want to reinforce something that I am strongly encouraging with all Briopoint clients: Do not focus on specific diets!  Diets are generally short lived and if they do happen to produce the desired result often go to the wayside once the result is achieved, then the person finds themselves eventually right back where they started.  Our focus at Briopoint is to find each individual a healthy way of eating that is best for them.  That may mean you cut out or include certain meats, carbs, or dairy depending on how your body reacts to them.  My husband and I have chosen a plant-based way of eating at present and it is working well for us because of that my recipes will reflect this way of eating but you are welcome to pair them with your choice of healthy meats as you choose. The focus should be a healthy, whole food, nutrient rich diet that does not exceed your calorie threshold depending on your goals.  

Kimberly Gray